Estes Brook Evangelical Free Church
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Online Giving
Giving is an act of worship. It is part of our response of gratitude to God for His past provision, along with a faithful declaration of our reliance on Him for our future needs. We give not to receive something from God. We give because we have already received so much from Him.
Our giving is a means by which God builds His kingdom. This happens through financially supporting ministry. But, it also happens as He builds His kingdom in us through our cheerful obedience. "Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Cor. 9:7, ESV)
NOTE: There is a 2.2% + 30¢ fee per transaction. This fee is paid for by the Church. This means that if you give a gift of $100, the church will receive $97.50 ($100 x 2.2% + 30¢ = $2.50). Please keep this in mind as you give, and thank you for giving to help build God's kingdom.
Frequently Asked Questions
You can make a contribution to Estes Brook Evangelical Free Church through setting up a free PayPal and having funds taken directly from your bank account using Electronic Funds Transfer, or by using a Debit or Credit card. You do not need to set a PayPal account to give via Debit and Credit card
Answers to Common Questions About Online Giving:
What is Online Giving?
Online Giving is an electronic giving service available on the Estes Brook Evangelical Free Church website. This service provides a convenient way to make an electronic transfer from your checking or savings account or Debit/Credit card. -
Is Online Giving risky?
Online Giving is very safe. Your contribution will be processed on a secure site. This process has an extremely high rate of accuracy. -
What are the advantages of Online Giving?
You can give any time from your home computer, smart phone, or from any place you have access to the Internet. You don’t have to write checks. You can prioritize your giving within your budget. You can automate your giving on a recurring basis so you never have to worry about forgetting to make a contribution. Once the transaction has taken place, the funds are made available immediately to the church and deducted from your bank account.
Contact the Treasurer at admin@ebefc.com